Thursday, August 27, 2020

Journalistic fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Editorial fiction - Essay Example Truman Capote was a renowned American essayist of the 1960s, he is viewed as a delegate of the traditional American writing of the second 50% of the twentieth century. He was one of the most huge and splendid agents of the Gothic style in the writing of that years, alongside such notable scholars as Harper Lee, William Faulkner, Carson McCullers and Tennessee Williams. The primary lines of in his work are viewed as - fiction and narrative. Which he that set up to make the confounded editorial fiction out of these two definitely known styles. Summarizing the author’s life story we can say that Truman Capote was an acclaimed essayist and a columnist who is otherwise called the ‘inventor’ of the ‘New Journalism’ †another style of composing which joins the best highlights of reporting and writing which makes this wonder so unique. Some of the time it could be known as the Narrative reporting. Talking about the issue of the offbeat outskirts kinds we ought to stress the realization of the documentation, specifically, the editorial articles which picks up prevalence toward the finish of the twentieth century. Is such a novel a fixing of the uncovered realities or their understanding, is this a factographic or beauties lettres work? There are correspondingly various perspectives concerning who is the creator of this novel - it is possible that he is a target onlooker and the individuals who record the exact information or he is an automatic scholarly man who guarantees that the content is a sort of writing and the report is just the proof. Here the novel which depends on the realities and the creator who composed seem, by all accounts, to be in the middle of these two depictions. From one viewpoint, such novel is blamed for its incorrectness, so the novel can't be treated as a record. Then again, they state that the editorial fiction can't seek to the job of the high writing and fundamentally is centered around the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Walmart Canada Company Overview

Presentation Walmart Canada was built up in 1994. Its origin was because of the breakdown of Woolo, an auxiliary of Woolo Canada, which was revamped and given a Walmart flag. Notwithstanding having its spot, Walmart Canada likewise held all the previous representatives of Woolo. This at that point denoted the start of tasks for this organization. Walmart Canada has since developed impressively and has risen fruitful in the board, showcasing, administration arrangement and expansion.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Walmart Canada Company Overview explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Walmart Canada has many rebate stores dispersed all over Canada and its environs. Their sizes fluctuate from 51000 up to 15000 square feet. The stores house general product and a wide assortment of nourishments stuffs. Notwithstanding the food, a large portion of these stores additionally have; Pharmacy Garden focus Tire and lube express One hour photograph handling la b Bank office Portrait studio Optical focus Fast food outlet Limited basic food item outlets The Walmart Canada rebate stores incorporate full assistance grocery stores that have poultry and meat, bread kitchens, solidified nourishments, garden items, dairy produce, shop and fish. Notwithstanding these, the vast majority of the markdown stores likewise have drug stores, pet shops and nursery focuses. The stores guarantee that their customers are given for all intents and purposes each assistance they may require once they visit. This is a sharp method of saddling all the business openings that may exist when a customer visits these outlets. This came about because of considering the business sectors and assessing the particular needs of customers and their assurance to have every one of their necessities gave at just one stop. In the wake of assessing all the particular needs of customers, the stores started offering other advantageous administrations like video rentals, distributin g of phones and hair and nail administrations. A lot of recess shops additionally jumped up around the stores to catch that advertise as well. On the eighth of November, 2006, the idea of Walmart Supercenter was presented in Canada. This idea had prevailing in the United States of America. This was the motivation behind why it was brought to Canada since there were incredible odds of its endurance and ensuing accomplishment here. Similarly as was anticipated, the idea developed quickly as it pulled in a mind-boggling horde of clients. Inside a few years after creation, the idea had just carried gigantic benefits to the company. Body Walmart Canada grasps nature of administrations, advancement and articulate consumer loyalty. All the products and ventures gave in its stores are actually what its customers need. This infers the stores catch a wide scope of the accessible markets in an offer to augment on their net revenues. This is done through successful market study and excellent ad ministrative abilities that utilize the accessible assets to catch a decent level of the piece of the overall industry. Many have thought about how the association figures out how to deal with the wide scope of administrations while enrolling colossal benefits in the process.Advertising Looking for article on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The association deals with this by giving specific consideration to its administration of activities. It centers around various key components incorporating representative preparing in an offer to furnish their laborers with extraordinary aptitudes to deal with their customers and offer unequivocal types of assistance to every one of them. This association additionally grasps the utilization of innovation which has a wide scope of advantages. It utilizes innovation for the executives proficiency and diversion as well. Total consumer loyalty is the key thought behind creation new clients and holding existing ones. Consequently, Walmart Canada utilizes innovation to engage all the five faculties of its customers (Jones, Robinson, 2012). As a method of guaranteeing productivity, Walmart isolated all its dramatic open zones from its behind the stage operational regions. This constrains the conflicting of interests between its customers and representatives in the tasks. Nonstop improvement of nature of administrations and products has guaranteed that the organization not just remains the favored decision for its customers yet additionally the main among contenders. Moreover, the organization has additionally put a lot of exertion in tuning in to client grumblings and this has driven the association to more noteworthy triumphs. The company’s operational administration Company’s operational administration is the key part of the association as it is accused of basic administration and dynamic jobs. The three most significant issues identified with this piece of the association are cost, quality and productivity. All its ensuing jobs rotate around the three key issues. For example, the activities the board of the organization centers around structuring administrations, products and the procedures of executing them. It is likewise accused of the duty of dealing with the procedures of executing obligations and proceeded with headway of procedures, merchandise and ventures (Christopher, 2005). Activities directors of this association are very critical in the administration of flexibly chains, determining, innovation choice and buying. They likewise assume a basic job in quality affirmation limit and asset the executives, and procedure structure. Furthermore, the chiefs do planning and employment structure for the association. All these territory planned for thinking of the most feasible and beneficial business concept.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Walmart Canada Company Overview explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The organization, through the activities the board, comprehends the criticalness of the best possible administration of merchandise and ventures. For example, it sees how quality merchandise and palatable administrations mix to concoct the most complete item blend. Its administration the board joins HR, advertising and activities capacities. This is done in an offer to make, design and pass on administrations and merchandise in the most acceptable way. The organization likewise guarantees that every one of its administrations and merchandise have their snapshots of truth (Jones, Robinson, 2012). This suggests any experience clients have with the organization, be it in exchange or in any of the conveyance frameworks, guarantees that they are intrigued. Other conventional however significant strategies used to modify visitor involvement with the stores incorporate a genial greeting to the premises by workers and representatives who appear to be too anxious to even consider offering their assistance. The organization has likewise put resources into customer advantage bundles. These are not irreplaceable to essential administrations and merchandise of this association however are intended to just upgrade them. They incorporate online client care administrations and check cards. The company’s worth and flexibly chains Just like each other association, the sole motivation behind this organization is to offer an incentive to the two its partners and customers. Worth might be depicted as the affectability of advantages offered by merchandise and ventures to the two purchasers and dealers. In this manner, esteem is seen as the evaluated benefits in contrast with the expense to customers. It is, thusly, significant that organizations like this have a high proportion of significant worth with the goal that both the business and its customers get most extreme fulfillment (Christopher, 2005). Walmart Canada has defined a c ouple of methodologies to guarantee that its worth proportion is kept up at the most elevated level conceivable. For example, it has attempted to expand its apparent benefits while putting its costs at a consistent. It has additionally attempted to diminish its costs on certain administrations and products in an offer to expand its apparent advantages. This isn't just gainful to its clients however to its partners. Notwithstanding the methodologies, the association has likewise guaranteed that its worth chains are maintained with earnestness and extraordinarily high caliber. This chain starts from the organization’s providers that are accused of the obligation of giving contributions to the organization. The organization at that point changes over the contributions to esteem included administrations and products through its offices, cash, data and work (Jones, Robinson, 2012). As a method of amplifying on benefits, the organization has considered re-appropriating a portion of its products and ventures. The administration of the organization assesses all the net revenues gave by essentially all the products and enterprises created and offered inside the organization.Advertising Searching for exposition on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More This is planned for assessing the legitimacy and practicality of in-house creation of the products and ventures when contrasted with their re-appropriating. If a few merchandise or administrations are seen as savvy when created by providers, the administration at that point contracts other specialist organizations to offer to them the administrations or products. The company’s execution estimates It is significant that a major association like Walmart Canada assesses its exhibition all the time (Jones, Robinson, 2012). There are a lot of classes that structure the premise of the assessment of hierarchical execution. These incorporate accounts, quality, time, client and market, development and learning, adaptability and supportability. As a business association, money related measure is organized at Walmart Canada. The fundamental measures here incorporate income, pretax net revenue, utilization of benefits, development, return on speculations and profit per share. Market and c lient measures may consolidate customer fulfillment, customer accounts, customer grumblings, saw worth and normal customer maintenance. Walmart Canada has a customer satisfaction framework that gives customer rating on merchandise and ventures. This framework is intended to show the connection between the rates as introduced by customers and the clients’ probabilit

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business Essay Analysis, 20192020

Blog Archive The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business Essay Analysis, 2019â€"2020 The Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University has expanded its application essay questions this year, giving candidates more of an opportunity to discuss their profiles beyond the statistics and other basic data conveyed in the rest of their application. The school’s first required essay is a rather traditional career goals statement for which the maximum word count has been cut back from 750 to 500. Perhaps this reduction was to allow for the addition of a second required essay without adding too much to the amount applicants need to write. For that new second essay, candidates must share a significant achievement from their past and explain how the experience has equipped them to be an additive member of the Fisher MBA community. If needed, a 250-word supplemental essay is also available for candidates with unusual or unclear elements in their profiles. All aspiring Fisher MBAs must complete a video interview soon after submitting their application, and although thi s is not technically an essay, we offer some tips for addressing it as well in our complete essay analysis, which follows. You will be required to complete two written essay responses. The essay questions give you the opportunity to present yourself more fully to our MBA Admissions Committee and to provide insight into your experiences, goals, and thought processes. ESSAY TOPIC 1: What are your short-term and long term goals? How/why will an MBA help you achieve those goals? (Maximum words: 500) The Fisher admissions committee is hardly breaking any new ground with this essay prompt, which differs in wording from the one it posed last season but is otherwise very similar in content. Like all MBA programs, Fisher is interested in hearing where you see yourself going after you graduate and how you believe a business degree will equip you to fulfill your vision. Because this essay question covers several of the main components of a traditional personal statement, we encourage you to download a free copy of the mbaMission Personal Statement Guide, in which we offer detailed advice on approaching these topics, along with multiple illustrative examples. ESSAY TOPIC 2: Please tell us about the accomplishment you are most proud of. How will this experience allow you to contribute a unique perspective to the Fisher community? (Maximum words: 400) We imagine that at this point in your life, you have achieved a number of things both personal and professional that you could use as fodder for an application essay. However, your goal here is not simply to impress the admissions committee with the scale or impact of your accomplishment but to offer one that best fits the essay prompt. This means you will need to select one that was truly meaningful for you on a profound level and that also left with you with a belief, mind-set, or understanding that would make you a valuable member of the Fisher network. The school does not stipulate whether the achievement you discuss should be from your career or your personal life, so thoroughly consider all your possibilities to identify the one that is most appropriate for this submission. Although sharing a non-work-related accomplishment in this essay could serve as a nice complement to your discussion of your career goals in Essay 1, do not feel that this is strictly necessary. What is most important is that the story you present clearly conveys your values (why you feel most proud of this achievement in particular) and explains how your takeaways have molded you into the kind of person Fisher would want in its ranks.       We would recommend using only the first 100â€"150 or so words of this essay to describe your chosen experience, so that you will have sufficient leeway in which to then clearly reveal what you learned from it and how it has equipped you to contribute to the Fisher community in a substantial way. Do your best in this limited space to “show,” or really spell out, how things unfoldedâ€"rather than just stating the accomplishment or flatly presenting the situationâ€"to give the admissions reader some perspective on how you conduct yourself and achieve.   You will then need to demonstrate both self-awareness and a thorough understanding of the Fisher MBA experience by outlining your takeaway(s) and drawing a connection between what you learned and what you can subsequently bring to the school as a member of its community. For example, you may have gained some useful insights you could share with your classmates in a related class or club, or maybe you now have an interesting viewpoint on commitment, determination, teamwork, or other such value. To effectively illustrate a connection between your takeaway from the experience and your expectation for applying it at Fisher, you will need to fully familiarize yourself with the program’s various resources and the characteristics of its community. Go the extra mile in learning about the schoolâ€"connect with multiple students and alumni, attend admissions events in your area, and especially, visit the campus (if at all possible). This will provide the kind of in-depth insight that will sh ow the admissions committee you are really serious about Fisher and understand how and why you belong there.   SUPPLEMENTAL ESSAY (OPTIONAL): This optional essay can be used to address any circumstances you’d like the Admissions Committee to be aware of (gaps in work history, academic performance, choice of recommenders, etc.). (Maximum words: 250) This short essay is your opportunityâ€"if you need itâ€"to address any lingering questions that an admissions officer might have about your candidacy, such as a poor grade or overall GPA, a low GRE or GMAT score, or, of course, one of the issues Fisher lists in the prompt. If you feel you may need to submit an additional essay for such a reason, consider downloading a free copy of our mbaMission Optional Essays Guide, in which we offer detailed advice on when and how to take advantage of the optional essay (along with multiple sample essays) to help mitigate any problem areas in your profile. Video Interview: Each applicant will be required to complete an online assessment comprised of pre-recorded video questions.   Since live interviews are by invitation only, the video interview is a way for us to virtually meet you and get a sense of your personality and potential beyond what youve included in your application. You’ll receive an email invitation to the video interview shortly after submitting your application. HOW IT WORKS: The process is simple you will be asked a question, given prep time, and a set amount of time to respond. It should only take 20 to 30 minutes to complete and can be done on your own time. WHAT YOU NEED: You will require an internet connected computer with a functioning webcam and microphone. The system allows for unlimited practice sessions but once you start the formal interview questions you only get one chance this allows us to see your candid responses. Be yourself! We know that required videos often strike fear into the hearts of business school candidates, so we wanted to talk briefly about this component of the Fisher application process, in hopes of helping you relax and put your best self forward. First of all, keep in mind that these video questions are not meant to trip you up or entice you to do or say anything that would get you immediately disqualified from consideration. Video submissions most often are opportunities for the admissions committee to put a “face,” so to speak, on your written application and learn a little more about your personality, energy level, communication style, and other such intangibles. In an admissions blog post from the year the video element was added, a Fisher representative states, “We really like to get to know all of our applicants but given the volume of applications we receive, it is not possible to meet or speak to everyone. This platform allows us to get to know you much better than anything e lse you’ll submit.” If you focus on being authentic and sincere, you will provide the admissions committee with exactly what it is seeking. Fisher does not share the questions that will be asked in the video segment, but we imagine they will be fairly standard interview queries. Consider downloading a free copy of the mbaMission Interview Guide, in which we present a list of 100 common interview questions you can use to practice. We suggest practicing in front of a mirror to exercise maintaining a natural expression as you speak and timing yourself to ensure your answers do not tend to run long. Although you can prepare as much as you want, you will have only one chance to record your response(s) when you do the official interview. If you stumble while answering or ultimately are unhappy with your answer, unfortunately, you will not be able to rerecord anything or try again another time. This may make you nervous, but we encourage you to view the situation a little differently. As we have noted, Fisher wants to get to know the real you through these video essays. If you fumble for words or lose your train of thought, jus t laugh or shrug and continue with your response. Accepting a mistake with a sense of humor and grace will give the admissions committee a more positive and natural impression of your personality than rigid scripting and overpreparation ever could. Share ThisTweet 2019-2020 B-Schools Outside the Top 15 Business School Essays Fisher College of Business MBA Essay Analysis Ohio State University (Fisher College)

Monday, May 25, 2020

What Is Critical Literacy Free Essay Example, 1000 words

It is paramount to examine texts, like magazine articles, films, novels, short stories etc from a point that challenges societal beliefs and values. In the classroom critical literacy is mostly used while reading textbooks which will aid adolescents to be able to reason critically. The books so used by the teachers should be able to present trustworthy voices and their themes should focus on such issues as class, gender, prejudice and tolerance so that when students participate in critical literacy, they will be active, strategic and open-minded learners capable of analysing text from a critical point of view(Edward, 2006). Critical literacy is also oftenly used in the classroom in the form of debates and this aids learners in developing critical reasoning skills and constructing critical literacy. Through well-constructed debates students will be able to clarify, illustrate, practice and assist them reflect on various themes. Students can examine those whose knowledge has been priv ileged in the texts with an aim of de-constructing the message for those particular meanings. As readers also, students should evaluate social construction in a text and interrogate the factors that might have influenced the writer to create the wordings in a particular manner. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is Critical Literacy or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Moreover by using critical literacy, students are encouraged by teachers to view texts from other ways and re-creating them from a standpoint of the marginalized groups so as to analyze social inequities and power relations that have been fostered in the texts. There are various strategies that can be applied in engaging students in critical literacy include utilization of anticipatory activities which include setting of a purpose for reading and students asked questions to enable use their previous knowledge on the matter. This can also be carried out by the teacher reading the text aloud and engaging students in small teams to participate in shared readings. The second strategy involves the teacher asking student questions pertaining identification of key ideas with details that are supportive from the expository texts that were presented on their books such as those of geography. There are a lot of activities that students engage in around critical literacy. Behrman Edward revealed that the commonly used methods that support this phenomenon in practice includes: reading of supplementary texts, reading of several texts, learning from a perspective that is resistant, production of counter-texts and instructing students to conduct research on personal interest topics and social action for challenging students (Edward, 2006). For the purposes of this paper we shall examine the first three methods.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay on Revenge in The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan...

Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most celebrated literary authors of all time, known for writing very suspenseful, dramatic short stories and a poet; is considered as being a part of the American Romantic Movement, and a lesser known opinion is he is regarded as the inventor of the detective-fiction genre. Most recognized for his mystery and macabre, a journey into the dark, ghastly stories of death, deception and revenge is what makes up his reputation. The short story under analysis is a part of his latter works; â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, a story of revenge takes readers into the mind of the murderer. With a premeditated motive to commit such an act, the culprit, Montressor, thinks, constructs and orchestrates a presumed murder against†¦show more content†¦For example, when Fortunato says he will not die of a cough, Montresor knowingly replies, â€Å"True, true.† When Fortunato drinks a toast to the dead lying in the catacombs around them, Montresor ironic ally drinks to Fortunatos long life. When Fortunato makes a gesture indicating that he is a member of the secret society of Masons, Montresor claims that he is also and proves it by revealing a trowel, the sign of his plot to wall up Fortunato.†(May) Montresor offers De Grave, a wine, to Fortunato; at one point, Fortunato makes an elaborate and —to the narrators eyes —grotesque gesture with an upraised wine bottle. When Montresor appears not to recognize the gesture, Fortunato asks, You are not of the masons? Montresor says he is, and when Fortunato, disbelieving, requests a sign, Montresor displays a trowel he had been hiding. This story sells the motto â€Å"a sucker is born every minute†, as clearly seen through the duration of the story when Montressor baits his fellow nobleman into going to inspect the authenticity of some wine he apparently has. When told that he was off the seek consultation from another competing wine conissouer, Fortunado eagerly accepts the mans offer to inspect the bottle of wine in his cellar. Montressor conveys his compassion for his clown when he comments about Fortunados cough that he has,Show MoreRelated##arison Of Revenge In The Cask Of Amontillado And A Poison Tree By Edgar Allan Poe1239 Words   |  5 PagesThe deranged but brilliant Edgar Allan Poe once said â€Å"The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls...† His ideas were found in both â€Å"The Cask Of Amontillado† by Poe, and â€Å"A Poison Tree† by William Blake. In both pieces the authors write about how revenge can create this insane creature within that will only settle for betrayal and destruction. For example, the speakers in both features are wronged by someone and their way of handling it is deceitful murder. The killers on the outsideRead MoreMontresors Unsuccessful Revenge: Subtle Irony in Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe1954 Words   |  8 Pagesliterary career, Edgar Allan Poe applie d irony to his stories. By doing this, his disturbing and odd tales became stories of mental and psychological twists and terror that trouble readers. Poe uses irony in â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† to increase mental tension by making the murderer in the story confess the crime that he so carefully planned. The man goes mad by fault of his own conscious and if he had not confessed, the murder would have been a success. Just as in â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†, Poe utilizesRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe, Jr.1070 Words   |  5 PagesThe author, Edgar Allan Poe, was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts to traveling actors David Poe, Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe. He was the second child of three children or otherwise stated as the middle child. His older brother, William Henry Leonard Poe also became a poet and his younger sister, Rosalie Poe taught penmanship at Richmond girls’ school. In 1810, Edgar’s father David Poe Jr. left the family, leaving them in poverty. His mother, Elizabeth Hopkins Poe died of pulmonaryRead More Edgar Allan Poes, The Cask of Amontillado as a Description of Poes Life791 Words   |  4 PagesEdgar Allan Poes, The Cask of Amontillado as a Description of Poes Life The cast of Amontillado was written by Allan Poe at a time when he felt he was being unjustly attacked. Most critics believe that the cask of Amontillado was written by Poe against his critics in the Mirror. I believe the cask of Amontillado is a story of Revenge and Hatred against some friends whom be believed had wrongfully accused him. A review of Allan Poe as a person and his experiences in life is essential a clearRead MoreThe Oval Portrait By Edgar Allan Poe1490 Words   |  6 PagesEdgar Allan Poe’s Short Stories Edgar Allan Poe is a much known author. He is known for writing dark and mysterious stories and poems. â€Å"His imaginative storytelling led to literary innovations, earning him the nickname Father of the Detective Story (Edgar Allan Poe When writing stories he wanted the readers to have that one emotion or feeling when reading his writing. Poe has very many stories he is known for two of those short stories being; â€Å"The Oval Portrait† and â€Å"The Cask ofRead MoreEdgar Allan Poes The Cask of the Amontillado Essay1520 Words   |  7 PagesSomething Unexpected Poe has written a several different stories relating to being buried alive, â€Å"The Premature Burial† and â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† being the most popular. Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"was one of the seminal American poets and short story writers of the nineteenth century† he was an influencer for writers like Charles Baudelaire and Jules Verne. Poe lost both of his parents as a child and was raised with a foster family and lost his foster mom early, too. He lost many of his loved onesRead MoreThe Cask of Amontillado and Hills Like White Elephants577 Words   |  3 PagesAnalysis of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† by Edgar Allan Poe amp; â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† by Ernest Hemmingway Analysis of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† by Edgar Allan Poe Abstract â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† by Edgar Allan Poe, is a short story about a man named Montessor who gets revenge on one of his â€Å"friends† named Fortunado by trapping him and burying him alive. Treatment Setting: Two kinds Plot: Man gets revenge on his â€Å"friend† Characters: Montresor, Fortunado, Montresor’s familyRead MoreFor the Love of God, Poe! Essay1359 Words   |  6 PagesIt is not at all surprising that so many of Edgar Allan Poe’s works explore such themes as death, eyes, the power of the dead over the power of the living, retribution, the human conscience, and especially death and murder. From his disturbingly morbid short story â€Å"The Telltale Heart† to the mysteriously supernatural poem â€Å"The Raven†, Poe’s tales are a direct byproduct of the mayhem experienced in his life, as well as his (arguably) psychologically-tormented mind. Though all of this author’s piecesRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Cask Of Amontillado 945 Words   |  4 Pages3, 2014 Revenge and Irony A friendship is based on trust, but do we truly know anyone in the way we think? In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† written by Edgar Allan Poe, a man named Fortunato is about to find out what kind of ‘friend’ Montresor really is. Montresor shows himself to be friendly with Fortunato, but deep down he feels nothing but hate for him. In different ways, both of these men are proud and appear upper class, yet both have faults which will be there undoing. Edgar Allan Poe uses languageRead MoreThe Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe888 Words   |  4 PagesThe Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe In ?The Cask of Amontillado?, Edgar Allan Poe takes us on a trip into the mind of a mad man. Poe uses certain elements to convey an emotional impact. He utilizes irony, descriptive detail of setting, and dark character traits to create the search of sinful deceit. Poe also uses first person, where the narrator is the protagonist who is deeply involved. The purpose is to get the reader to no longer be the observer. He wants them to see with Montressor

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Methods to Reduce Air Pollution Essay - 1898 Words

Methods to Reduce Air Pollution Air pollution is nothing new. Ever since the discovery of fire, less-than-desirable substances have been vented into the air. One of the first air-pollution regulations dates back to the fourteenth century, when King Edward I banned the burning of sea coal in lime kilns. U.S. air-pollution regulations have their roots in British Common Law. But regardless of those efforts, air pollution continues to be a serious local and world-wide problem. Pollution is the pressure within the air of one or more substances that are harmful to human health, welfare, animal or plant life, or property. In the past with air pollution we included mainly the outdoor pollutants, although in recent years this is not the case.†¦show more content†¦All these particles are mainly products of combustion. The major sources include industrial processes, power plants that are both coal and oil-fired, residential heating, and transportation. But coal burning is the greatest source. Table 1 below shows estimates of U.S. particulate emissions from various sources. TABLE 1 National U.S. Emissions Estimates-1990 (Million metric tons/year) SOURCE PARTICULATES SULFUR OXIDES CARBON MONOXIDES Transportation Highway 1.3 0.6 30.3 Aircraft 0.1 0 1.1 RailSea 0 0.3 1.9 Off-Highway equipment 0.1 0.1 4.4 TOTAL 1.5 1 37.7 Stationary fuel combustion Electric utilities 0.4 14.2 0.3 Indusrial furnaces 0.3 2.3 0.7 Commercial 0 0.4 0.1 Residential 1 0.3 6.4 TOTAL 1.7 17.2 7.5 Industrial processes 2.8 3.1 4.7 Solid waste disposal 0.3 0 1.7 Miacellaneous Forest fires 1.1 0 8.1 Other burning 0.1 0 0.6 Misc. Organic solvents 0 0 0 TOTAL 1.2 0 8.7 OVERALL TOTAL 7.5 21.3 60.3 Only 13% of the total is generated by transportation. Industrial sources account for nearly three times as much as 37%. Fires account for just about as much particulate emissions as transportation. That amount is matched by combustion from sources, which include the generation of all heat and electricity. Emissions When coal was the main source to generate energy, power plants and homes accounted for much greaterShow MoreRelatedAmbient Air Pollution Is Bad For The Planet977 Words   |  4 PagesLinked to Exposure of Ambient Air Pollution Most people have heard that air pollution is bad for the planet. That pollutants we put in the air are causing this thing called â€Å"Global Warming.† The information that sometimes gets left out is the impact of ambient air pollution to the health of humans. Ambient air pollution is outdoor pollution originating from industries, cars, and trucks. These pollutants can wreak havoc on the human respiratory system (Ambient air pollution). Respiratory conditions suchRead MoreProblems Face by Earth948 Words   |  4 Pagesgreenhouse gases in the air. Planting trees and recycling also helps. If you recycle, less trash goes to the dump, and less trash gets burned. As a result, there are fewer greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. Another way to prevent global warning is through recycling method . Do your part to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buying products with minimal packaging (including the economy size when that makes sense for you) will help to reduce waste. And whenever youRead MoreEssay on Low Health Expectancy1034 Words   |  5 Pagesexpectancy in developing countries? Discuss possible solutions to reduce this problem. Tutor Name: Andrew Nummey Student ID Number: 200860429 Date of Submission: Friday 2nd December 2011 Word count:966 STUDENT ID: 200860429 MODULE CODE: FC501 3T ANDREW NUMMEY What are the factors which contribute to low health expectancy in developing countries? Discuss possible solutions to reduce this problem. Low health expectancy continues to be a majorRead MoreUnderstanding Air Pollution Causing By Nitrogen Oxide952 Words   |  4 PagesWhen a huge amount of nitrogen oxide is being emitted into the air it forms smog and acid rain. Acid rain can damage everything that it falls on mainly the environment; it contaminated human resources such as water and etc. Once the acid rain contaminates the water resources it deteriorates the water quality causing more nitrogen to be in the water. With more nitrogen present in the water it upset the chemical balance of nutrients/ minerals that are being consume by the aquatic plants and animalsRead MoreUrbanization Of China s Urbanization1639 Words   |  7 Pagescongestion which is the number one factor of air pollution. China is known as a very highly developed country with over 1 billion people. Urbanization has greatly impacted China in many ways. There is a huge demanding population for communities in these largely populated cities like Shangha i and Beijing, there will have to be urbanization. While urbanization in megacities is a positive solution because it brings development to the country, China should try to reduce the urbanization of megacities becauseRead MoreCoal-fired Power Plant 1433 Words   |  6 Pagesacid rains, storms, droughts, etc. Along with the hostile environment, the human beings are in danger of the spreading disease, such as malaria. Coal-fired power plant generates 44 percent of the electricity; however, it is considered the biggest air polluter in the United States and one of the biggest factors in causing global warming. The greenhouse gas emissions from the coal-fired power plants are threatening the human health and the ecosystems. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Preclinical Detection of Variant CJD and BSE †

Question: Discuss about the Preclinical Detection of Variant CJD and BSE. Answer: Introduction: JCD is a neurodegenerative disorder which is caused due to the altered folding of the host prion proteins. People suffering from CJD suffer from severe dementia, slurred speech, twitching of muscles and tremors, slurred speech, loss of speech, blindness. Finally the person becomes bedridden. Most of the people end up dying due to pneumonia (Head and Ironside 2012). Human prion diseases can be hereditary, acquired or sporadic. The cause of the sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is not known, but hereditary cases are associated with mutations in the prion protein gene (PRNP) (Siroska et al.2012). The infections can also be transferred from infected humans to other. vCJD is a new form of prion disease and resembles Bovine spongioform encephalopathy (Lacroux et al. 2014). Kuru, vCJD, iCJD all are caused by the proteinacious infected particle formed due to the altered folding of the host prion protein PrPc to infectious PrPsc (Siroska et al.2012). The common signs and symptoms of al the prion diseases are almost same such as severe dementia, insomnia, twitching of muscles, neuronal loss, loss of physical coordination, distorted speaking, loss of speech, blindness, coma followed by death. Symptoms of Kuru involve compulsive crying or laughing (Sikorska and Liberski 2012). Kuru is a fatal nervous system disease and is highly prevalent during the 1950s and 1960 in people residing in the highlands of New Guinea. The fore people contracted this disease on eating the infected brains of the dead people as the funeral rites (Siroska et al.2012). Kuru mainly occurs as a result of cannibalism or coming in to contact with open wounds or sores of somebody with kuru. Many years later it was found that in this disease the infected brain resembles sponges with holes (Sikorska and Liberski 2012). Iatrogenic CJD is a neurodegenerative disorder that occurs due to the exposure to prion infections (Siroska et al.2012). Exposure to the prion particles may occur due to medical treatment that involves blood products or tissues from an infected individual. It can occur during the organ transplants, preparation of hormones (Sikorska and Liberski 2012). One can be contracted to this by unexpected incidents such as stab wounds by a needle that was in contact with a brain or tissue infected with CJD. Symptoms of Iatrogenic CJD are almost similar to that of sporadic CJD. It involves depression, memory lapse with a rapid progression to dementia. iCJD is very rare in comparison to kuru or variant CJD. Less than 1 percent of the cases have been found to contract acquired CJD (Siroska et al.2012). vCJD is a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disease. It belonged to the family of diseases known as the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (Lacroux et al.2014). vCJD is differentiated from kuru and other CJD in the context that vCJd shows its onset at a much younger age than that of CJD. In vCJD the amount of the amyloid plaques is much more than that of classical CJD (Siroska et al.2012). Unlike Kuru and iCJD, vCJD is caused from the consumption of contaminated meat products from cattle having a disease called bovine Spongiform encephalopathy or ' mad cow disease'. According to findings, the infectious particle responsible for the BSE in cattles is the same as the causative agent of vCJD. Symptoms are same as that of the other classes of CJD. vCJD as first discovered in 1996, and was prevalent mainly in Great Britain along with many other European countries. The initial symptom of vCJD is different from the other forms of CJD. It occurs in typically younger patients as compared to the other forms, whereas in the other forms, the median age is about 68 years (Urwin et al.2016). The incubation period of vCJD is unknown (Siroska et al.2012). vCJD have typical unique features, having prominent clinical manifestations. The neurologic abnormalities are delayed. The duration of the illness lasts for about 6 months after which the patient dies. The presence of florid plaques is rarely found in other forms of CJD, but in vCJD it is present in large numbers (Lacroux et al.2014). The infectious agent is usually not determined in the other two forms of CJD but is readily found in the lymphoid tissues (Sikorska and Liberski 2012). Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease vCJD is a rare neurodegenerative disorder caused by the infectious prior protein that was discovered in the United Kingdom in the year 1996. It is characterized by the formation of holes in the brain due to the accumulation of the amyloid plaques in the brain (Davidson et al.2014). The agent responsible for the prion diseases in cows, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy is the same agent for causing vCJD in humans (Siroska et al.2012). vCJD is exclusively caused by the prion protein designated as PrPsc without any encoding nucleic acid. PrPSc is nothing but an altered form of the normal host functional prion protein PrPc. Abnormal prion proteins are generated due to the abnormal folding of the PrPc protein (Sikorska and Liberski 2012). PrPc is protinease sensitive but PrPsc are resistant to proteases and hence deposit as amyloid plaques. The infectious prion proteins are transmissible and self propagating. More abnormal prion proteins are produced; it converts rest of the normal proteins to its abnormal isoforms rapidly (Lacroux et al.2014). It has been found that the conformational change in the PrPc is caused due to the mutation in the PRNP gene, which modifies the sequence of the amino acids. A valine or methionine polymorphism at the codon number 129 of the PRNP gene is the probable cause of the disease (Lacroux et al.2014). Normally the host protein contains alpha helical structures, but in the altered protein beta sheets are present. Biological mechanism According to Siroska et al.(2012) the time of the incubation period PrPsc is present in all the tissue fluids, especially in the spinal fluids. At first intracytoplasmic vacuoles are formed in the neurons. With the progression of the disease the vacuolization becomes more prominent and the cortical neurophil resembles a sponge (Manix et al.2015). Advanced stage progresses with neuronal loss, brain atrophy and gliosis. The purkinje cells of the brain are lost. In some diseases related to prion infection, the PrPsc protein deposits as amyloid palques. Variant CJD is normally diagnosed by neuropathology examination. At the initial stage the disease remains asymptomatic with irreversible neurodegenerative loss (Siroska et al.2012). The disease is diagnosed by autopsy, tonsil biopsy that exploits a vast tissue distribution of the infectious protein compared to other prion diseases. Biopsy is a 100% specific test for vCJD and is specific and sensitive (Paterson et al.2012). Preclinical diagnosis is normally done by the tonsil biopsy. Neuropathologic examination reveals amyloid plaques surrounded by vacuoles in the brain which are known as florid plaques. References Davidson, L.R.R., Llewelyn, C.A., Mackenzie, J.M., Hewitt, P.E. and Will, R.G., 2014. Variant CJD and blood transfusion: are there additional cases?.Vox sanguinis,107(3), pp.220-225. Hall, J.E., 2015.Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Head, M.W. and Ironside, J.W., 2012. CreutzfeldtJakob disease: prion protein type, disease phenotype and agent strain.Neuropathology and applied neurobiology,38(4), pp.296-310. Lacroux, C., Comoy, E., Moudjou, M., Perret-Liaudet, A., Lugan, S., Litaise, C., Simmons, H., Jas-Duval, C., Lantier, I., Bringue, V. and Groschup, M., 2014. Preclinical detection of variant CJD and BSE prions in blood.PLoS pathogens,10(6), p.e1004202. Manix, M., Kalakoti, P., Henry, M., Thakur, J., Menger, R., Guthikonda, B. and Nanda, A., 2015. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: updated diagnostic criteria, treatment algorithm, and the utility of brain biopsy.Neurosurgical focus,39(5), p.E2. Paterson, R.W., Torres-Chae, C.C., Kuo, A.L., Ando, T., Nguyen, E.A., Wong, K., DeArmond, S.J., Haman, A., Garcia, P., Johnson, D.Y. and Miller, B.L., 2012. Differential diagnosis of Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease.Archives of neurology,69(12), pp.1578-1582. Sikorska, B. and Liberski, P.P., 2012. Human prion diseases: from Kuru to variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. InProtein Aggregation and Fibrillogenesis in Cerebral and Systemic Amyloid Disease(pp. 457-496). Springer Netherlands. Sikorska, B., Knight, R., Ironside, J.W. and Liberski, P.P., 2012. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.Neurodegenerative Diseases, pp.76-90. Urwin, P.J.M., Mackenzie, J.M., Llewelyn, C.A., Will, R.G. and Hewitt, P.E., 2016. CreutzfeldtJakob disease and blood transfusion: updated results of the UK Transfusion Medicine Epidemiology Review Study.Vox sanguinis,110(4), pp.310-316.